Editor-in-Chief: Leonardo Longo | Co-Editor-in-Chief: Carlo Fornaini | Founder Editor: Toshio Ohshiro - Journal for Laser Surgery, Phototherapy and Photobioactivation
Writing a review report is a time-taking process, however it is worthwhile becoming a reviewer. This task gives you benefits, among others:
Editors and journals usually openly acknowledge their reviewers by publishing a "Thank you” list annually. Not only, the Laser Therapy wants their reviewers’ hard work be certified and rewarded, offering at the same time to reviewers an easy tool to track their activity. As a rewarding way to recognize the reviewers’ activity, the Laser Therapy has joined ReviewerCredits, the most comprehensive platform to certify, measure and reward the activity of scientists as Peer Reviewers. Each review you will perform for Laser Therapy will be validated by the Editor, it will be added to your personal certificate and will entitle you to virtual credits.
We therefore encourage you to register as a reviewer on the ReviewerCredits platform and claim reviews performed for this Journal. Certification and benefits:
ReviewerCredits has been launched in 2017 and is accredited by the University of Milan-Bicocca. Its core business is the development, maintenance and upgrade of an online platform which has the purpose of certifying peer reviews and conference talks. It is listed as an innovative startup in the Italian company register.
Michele Moscato, PAGEPress CEO, says: "Reviewers are the driving force behind our journals: we are extremely grateful to their valuable input towards our papers. I believe ReviewerCredits will enhance their value by recognizing their activity as reviewers, at the same time enabling them to have a tangible value for their hard work".
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