Effectiveness of photobiomodulation and resistive exercise on cartilage tissue in osteoarthritic rats PDF Vol. 31 No. 2 (2024) Newsletter Submitted: 3 May 2024 Accepted: 4 July 2024 Published: 5 August 2024 Photobiomodulation, articular cartilage, knee osteoarthritis, physical exercises Abstract Views: 3168 PDF: 411 Publisher's note All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article or claim that may be made by its manufacturer is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher. Authors Luiz Henrique Gomes Santos Federal University of São Carlos, Department of Physiotherapy, São Carlos; University Center of Educational Foundation Guaxupé - UNIFEG, Guaxupe, Brazil. Lívia Assis Scientific Institute and Technological Department - University Brazil (UB), São Paulo-Itaquera, Brazil. Carla Roberta Tim Scientific Institute and Technological Department - University Brazil (UB), São Paulo-Itaquera, Brazil. Thatiane Izabele Ribeiro Santos Department of Biosciences, Federal University of São Paulo, Santos, Brazil. Cintia Cristina Santi Martignago Department of Biosciences, Federal University of São Paulo, Santos, Brazil. Mirian Bonifácio Silva Department of Biosciences, Federal University of São Paulo, Santos, Brazil. Fernando Vasilceac Federal University of São Carlos, Department of Gerontology, São Carlos, Brazil. Mariane Santos Trevisan Federal University of São Carlos, Department of Gerontology, São Carlos, Brazil. Daniel Araki Ribeiro Department of Biosciences, Federal University of São Paulo, Santos, Brazil. Lillian Cristina Lopes Cunha Federal University of São Carlos, Department of Gerontology, São Carlos, Brazil. Nivaldo Antonio Parizotto Federal University of São Carlos, Department of Physiotherapy, São Carlos, Brazil. Ana Claudia Rennó Department of Biosciences, Federal University of São Paulo, Santos, Brazil. Abstract The aim of the present study was to investigate the association of a resistive training and Photobiomodulation (PBM) on cartilage tissue in an experimental model of knee Osteoarthritis (OA). Forty male Wistar rats (weigh, ± 150g) were distributed into 4 groups. Treatments were performed for 8 weeks (3 sessions per week). The specimens were evaluated by histology, OARSI, morphometric and immunohistochemistry analysis. The results showed that the interventions were able to modulate the degenerative process reacted to OA. Exercised animals (with or without PBM) demonstrated lower values for OARSI and lower expression of IL-1β, caspase-3, MMP-13. Furthermore, animals treated with the associated treatments presented significantly decrease in the density of chondrocytes. 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